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Amazon sellers generally find it difficult to avoid account closure due to various reasons, product unavailability, customer return, etc. This is a problem that every e-commerce company may encounter. In the United States, Europe (UK, Germany, etc.), Sun Star can provide services such as accepting returns, re-packing, and shipping on behalf of Amazon, so that your products can regain value and avoid loss of goods.
The main reasons for this kind of unavailability and customer return are many:
1. The product packaging is damaged during transportation and cannot be registered as a new product.
2. LISTING audit is unqualified or invalid.
3. The defendant infringed the goods and the account was blocked.
In fact, 95% of these unsalable goods can be processed and resold because:
1. Products with damaged packaging, in fact, the item itself is not damaged.
2. The buyer may return the goods just because of personal preference of the outer packaging.
3. Listing can be solved by creating a new one or selling the same product.
4. One account has fallen down and the product is still there. If you change your jacket, you can also send it to another account.
With the passage of time, Amazon’s warehouses have overstocked more and more products that cannot be put on the shelves. Except for Amazon’s additional storage and destruction fees, what sellers lose are mainly the payment and labeling that have been spent on these products. Labor costs, labeling fees, head freight, tariffs, FBA charges, and expected product benefits. Therefore, if you can deal with the backlog of goods in time and reuse them for secondary sales, it is one of your important ways to save money.
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